Radio advertising is extremely effective for the retail industry.

Here are the top 5 reasons for why the retail industry should advertise on the radio:
  1. Radio reaches over 90% of those of Adults 18+ who have shopped in any retail store in the past year.
  2. According to Nielsen Analytics radio advertising resulted in a 3% increase in the total number of buyers at a department store.
  3. Radio advertising also resulted in a 6% increase in dollar amount spent per buyer.
  4. Exposure to radio advertising drove a 10% increase in overall sales.
  5. For every $1 spent on radio advertising, retailers made $17 in incremental sales.
Why radio works for retail

Radio enables advertisers to maximize their reach, frequency, and ROI. Radio reaches people while they are in their cars. This means advertisements heard on the radio are top of mind while consumers are shopping. Additionally, radio is inexpensive with the largest reach of all media. Thus, it truly is the biggest bang for your buck!

If you are a retailer looking to drive traffic to your stores and $17-$1 Return on Investment, please contact us to get you started on your next radio advertising campaign.