A Direct Response Marketing campaign’s success depends on the quality and quantity of responses to advertisements. Advertiser’s best bet is a media platform that is trackable, effectively reaches target audience(s), seamlessly delivers a call to action, and has a personal relationship, yet massive reach and reliable influence on consumers. Here are the top THREE reasons to add radio to your direct response campaign.

  1. REACH (Your Product/Service Needs to be Known Before You’re Needed) 
As Andy Sippel, SVP at Advertising Perceptions, explains in his recent article Reach is the New Black: Advertising’s Mass Reawakening,” advertisers are now learning why traditional media, with regular audiences and massive reach, is imperative for successful advertising. Sippel sites The Advertising Research Foundation’s largest, most comprehensive study on ROI and media impact, How Advertising Works, which found that sales actually dropped when advertisers switched from reaching mass audiences with traditional media to hyper targeting with digital advertising. For example, in September of 2016 Procter & Gamble’s marketing chief, Marc Pritchard, announced that his brands were underperforming as a result of targeting too narrowly on Facebook.  Pritchard, like many other advertisers, learned that it takes big reach to make big sales.

In his book, How Brands Grow, marketing expert Byron Sharp suggests that all marketing options be evaluated based on their ability to cost-effectively reach as many consumers as possible and radio is just the right media for the job.  Bob McCurdy, Radio Ink contributor, explains in his article Radio Reaches the Most People Possible. And That’s Good,” that radio has two key benefits: low cost and high reach and advertisers, looking to expand their reach, are now turning to radio. For example, New York, one of America’s largest markets, saw a double digit increase in radio spend by 15 different ad categories in the second half of 2016.  According to Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, “Radio is the perfect opportunity for advertisers to turn back to because you can buy big chunks of it across various times slots and demographics and not spend a whole bunch of money and it works.”

Direct response radio commercials are particularly successful due to “the segmented nature of radio stations.” The variety of radio formats across all markets, big and small, enables advertisers to target their messages based on a consumer’s personal tastes, location, interests, income, among several other criteria.  Thus, advertisers can target the ideal customer while achieving mass reach goals in the most cost-efficient way.

CONCLUSION… Radio is the way to go.  Radio is the ultimate media for a direct response advertising campaign: Able to cost effectively reach a mass audience and pinpoint target ideal customers who are loyal and trusting of messages delivered on their “favorite radio station.”

Please contact us to learn how we can help you advertise on the radio.